Gabriel Ankamafio, CEO of Homechow, was featured on “Geared for Growth” on June 14, 2023 as part of Greater Rochester Chamber’s ongoing partnership with 13WHAM. Homechow is a food delivery company serving hot, fresh, gourmet food to homes and businesses around the country.
Homechow was founded as a response to the growing trend of ingredient delivery services and found a way to deliver hot, fresh meals straight to home at a low cost. The company offers nine different cuisines from regions across the world with several different meal options for each cuisine type. Ankamafio noted that most of their customers are companies that order meals for their employees, and that over 40 companies from Monroe County and the surrounding regions have tried their food delivery service.
“We’re trying to make it easier to access our meals wherever you are,” Gabe shared when asked about his company and their exciting upcoming expansion. The firm is expanding into a new, larger state-of-the-art kitchen to increase its offerings and keep up with its growing demand. Additionally, in order to increase the number of households they service rather than businesses, the company is partnering with gas station corner stores, college campuses, hospitals, and other community hubs to place kiosks that will offer their meals.
These kiosks are a patented design that will serve their meals “flaming hot” and are restocked hourly to ensure that the food is always fresh. The kiosks are already placed in 21 gas stations owned by Shell Energy and they are projected to have over 5,000 kiosks deployed by 2025.